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2024-2025 Update

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Dear Parents and Students,

I hope you all are having an enjoyable summer with family and friends. It is hard to believe that it is almost time for the 2024-2025 school year to begin. I am looking forward to seeing the new students and returning students for the upcoming school year, which begins Tuesday, September 3, 2024.  

Whether you are new to Minneapolis Public Schools or a returning student/family, we look forward to you being a part of the Phoenix Family and hope you become an active member of our school. I encourage every student and parent to embrace the opportunity to make this a great school year. As a leader I have learned so much in my nine years about the district, staff, and students on what we need to have a successful learning environment.   

Teachers, support staff and administrators have been busy over the summer preparing for the upcoming school year. We all have been participating in professional development on how we can improve our instructional practice and how to build positive relations with all students and parents. 

We understand this next process will be a change and difficult for some. Safety and security continue to be a top priority for Minneapolis Public Schools to ensure that we are creating a healthy and safe learning environment for students and staff. Parents: we need your help. 

Students are not permitted to use their cell phone during the school day. Students will be asked to keep the phones at home or use the building Yondr security bags. If students make the decision to bring their cellphones to school, they will be required to turn the phone off and place the phone in the locked bag. Students will be allowed to carry the security bag with them throughout the school day.   

Again, I know this is new for some. We will have two opportunities to discuss this change. One will be an online information session on August 20th from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 and another at the Open House on August 29th from 4:00p.m-6:30pm. This will be a great opportunity for you and your child to get their questions answered regarding this process, meet their teachers and administration. I look forward seeing you all there.  RSVP to the online session via this link:


Anwatin Open House
Thursday, August 29
4:00 - 6:30PM

First Day of School
8:40 - 3:20PM
Tuesday, September 3, 2024